July 14, 2024

July Week 2 Review: Perseverance Despite Depression & Burnout

A short post.

I was planning to write something about "Establishing Inner Game Ritual" but ronically, my inner game took a bad hit from a dumb mistake I've done while texting a very good lead from last week.

Normally, mistakes in the game don't bother me, but this mistake is a one I've done once in 2017, also a good lead, and been repeating over the years, killing my chances with women.

What is it?

Trying to tease them over text.

Why do I do it?

Because I was afraid if I respond with something boring or less exciting, the girl will lose interest.

Clearly the fear of coming off as boring is what's demolishing my progress in the game. 

It's forcing you to be too gamey, which not only doesn't work at all with girls you've never dated, but kills your chances with decent leads that are picturing dating your or even becoming your GF.

What did I say to the girl that turned her off instantly?

We were talking about the reason she was in the mall where I approached  She said she was looking for a paricular LV shoe.

*sends me a pic of the shoe*

"I noticed you like big ass shoes 😂"

Game over.

Passing the stage of texting is, by far, my biggest challenge in the game, and the reason I couldn't get more than 4 dates this year so far.

 30 approaches
 3 (one blocked after seeing her in the train an hour later)
 1 lead
 0 dates

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